The Bras d’Or Lakes on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, have been a sweet spot for the CCA for over 100 years for good reason. The early concept for the Club came together in Maskell’s Harbor shortly after World War I. Members have found their way through St. Peter’s Canal into the lakes ever since. (We might assume that a maritime Heaven would have a canal lock instead of a gate.) The lakes themselves are brackish and warm, the people are friendly, and the anchorages are not crowded—unless the CCA is having a cruise.
In 2027 the Club will return again for a two week cruise from July 20th to August 5th. There will be get togethers on land and on the water and plenty of time to explore on your own or visit with friends. The cruise is scheduled to allow boats that have participated in the Marblehead Halifax Race to continue up the coast for some well-earn rest and relaxation.
The area has endless hiking trails to take in the rustic, natural beauty, and a few cultural centers with opportunities to enjoy a lively Celtic music scene. A number of Cruising Club members have properties along the shores.
There will be more details on the schedule and itinerary to come.
The cruise committee is here to be of help:
Clarke Blynn, Reg Goodday, Bill Greenwood, Sheila McCurdy, Waring Partridge, Bernard Prevost, Judy Robertson, Jesse Terry, Jim Watson and Sebastiaan Ambtman