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What Determines the Effectiveness of a Life Jacket? Life Jackets #3
The underlying reason to wear a life jacket is to provide buoyancy to keep the wearer’s mouth above the water to prevent drowning while awaiting rescue. With that relatively simple goal, why are there so many life jacket designs, and why are some more effective than others?
Recommendation on Life Jackets and Tethers
The right life jacket for your conditions and a tether when conditions warrant it.
“I’ve Heard It All Before” Sometimes, it pays to listen
Frequent travelers, or those listening to a particularly good podcast, frequently skip the safety briefing because “they’ve heard it all before 1,000 times” and find no value in it. Similarly, when sailing, we become immune to repetitive messages about safety because “we’ve heard it all before.” But there are instances when things ARE different, and we’re foolish if we don’t listen, and listen carefully.
No Time for Smartphones

“Safety Moments, presented at CCA Stations and Posts”

​​​​​​​New Year’s Resolutions
But what about the resolutions we make with regard to the safe operation of our own sailboats and cruisers? How many times have you heard a fellow voyager say “Ya know, the next time we’re out, we ought to do a man overboard drill” or “I need to post instructions for how to broadcast a Mayday in the nav station.” With full knowledge that seamanship resolutions may have the same chance of succeeding as those we make about our behavior on land, I nonetheless suggest that we resolve to do the following:
Video: Panel on Seamanship

In March of 2018, three of our members presented a panel in seamanship to a full house in New York Yacht Club's renow

​​​​​​​Standard Operating Procedures: Briefing New Crew
Suppose you’re heading off on a two-day race and some of your crew haven’t sailed with you before. They come highly recommended, but they don’t know your boat or your standard operating procedures. What should you discuss with them as you head for the starting line?
Upside Down with Nowhere to Go: Have a way to get help!
As I was leaving the boat around 1630, having completed my chores for the day, I gathered my gear and prepared to get off onto the dock. I stepped out the shrink wrap door, I put my right foot on a boarding step, and my knee promptly gave way. My left leg was still on deck but was tangled up in the shrink wrap zipper that was inside the door. I fell backwards with my head in the water between the boat and the dock. Try as I might, I could not pull myself back up onto the boat. My left foot was at deck level. The water was cold!!