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Big Brother is NOT Watching You: When Comms go Bad

Michael Moradzadeh, San Francisco Station


Lightning Strike: Reminder to be Prepared
The weather at the ramp was sunny and clear, yet lightning struck the son standing on the bow. The lightning bolt came in his tail bone and out his foot. The son immediately went overboard and started to sink. The father jumped overboard and recovered his unresponsive son from the brackish, murky waters. The mother and other son remained on board the boat and called 911. They were unable to assist further as the boat’s motor shut down due to the lightning strike.
Handling Emergencies - Perspective from Big Ships' Practices
Former Navy Captain Mark Lenci suggests how the principles of handling emergencies on large ship can be applied to smaller private yachts – yachts capable of being cruised comfortably by two people. The principles can be easily extended to crews of more than two people, larger yachts, and professionally crewed vessels.
The Future of Flares

Safety Moment, Cruising Club of America, SF Station, Sept 2018

Chuck Hawley

Showtime’s Last Delivery
A rescue amid a terrifying capsize is brought to life in this firsthand retelling.
Lightning Strike on the Bristol 29.9 "Perseverance"
Last summer, at a dock in Boston, a 30-foot cruiser-racer sailboat was struck by lightning. Owner, Drew Plominski a member of the Cruising Club of America, describes the incident and the damage sustained.
Capsize at Cape Horn

In this reprinted article from SAIL magazine, CCA member Rich Wilson shares the tale of a terrifying capsize at one o

Survival Sailing