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by Mark Roye, |
Subject: Culture of Safety, Preparation of Boat and Crew, Safety Gear, Boat, Safety Gear, Personal, Good Practices Underway
With tens of thousands of miles sailed (and working) in the cold-water latitudes, CCA Member Mark Roye has learned a thing or two about staying safe and surviving where the water is cold, sometimes almost freezing. From maintaining safety-oriented…
by Chuck Hawley, |
Subject: Culture of Safety, Good Practices Underway
Armed with a small amount of misinformation, we concoct a story to fit what we think we see and then twist additional evidence to comply.
by Multiple CCA members, |
Subject: Culture of Safety, Overboard
It's 2021. When someone goes overboard, you want the benefit of the latest experience and thinking. Our panel discusses MOB techniques including recovery under spinnaker and the new "mid-line" hoist. Led by Cruising Club of America, the New York…
by William Strassberg, MD, |
Subject: Culture of Safety, Seamanship and Awareness
Advocates of the phrase, “leaders are born not made,” discount expertise and dwell on behavioral traits such as charisma, compassion, extroversion, boldness, etc. These personality attributes certainly play an important role in acquiring…
by John Robinson, |
Subject: Culture of Safety, Overboard
The CCA Safety & Seamanship Committee says the time for lifejackets is now and makes the case for their use as a key element of its Culture of Safety Recommendations.
by William Strassberg, MD, |
Subject: Culture of Safety, Seamanship and Awareness
Executive Summary William Strassberg, MD January, 2021