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Committee Meetings Schedule

These are, of course, subject to change.


Thur, March 6th    
  Commodores RoomWardAfterguard
 1300-1400 Long Range PlanningBonnell Cove -2 hrs
 1400-1500 Financial Affairs 
 1500-1600 BROCEnvironment of the Sea
 1600-1700 2 hours 
 1700-1800time to rest and change before dinner
 1800-1930Awardee Reception (invitation only)  
 1900-2200Awardee Dinner (invitation Only)  
Friday, March 7thCommodores RoomWardAfterguard
 1000-1100Membership - 1.5 hrsArchives 
 1130-1300Lunch - Grill Room
 1300-1400CommunicationsSafety & Seamanship 
 1400-1500Set up for Annual MeetingCruise ResourcesRear Commodores
 1500-1600Meeting of Members  
 1730-1930Cocktails - Grill Room 
 1930-2200Awards Dinner - Model Room
Saturday, March 8th   
 0830-1130Leadership Breakfast (invitation only) location to be announced
Activity Schedule